Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pantoum #2

This is my second try at a pantoum, which is a 16-line, usually unrhymed poem in four stanzas of four lines each. Here's the catch though- the second and fourth line of the first stanza become the first and third lines of the next. So line 4 of stanza 1 is IDENTICAL to line 3 of stanza 2. Also, the very first line has to be identical to the very last. I think it's just a form you have to get used to. It wouldn't work for a lot of poems because the repetition really does have to mean something. You sort of have to use the very restricted form as a symbol of something else, you can't sound like you're just trying to get around it. That's my eventual goal.

I write poetry
because I see patterns in things
and no one else sees. It's
like this, you see:

Because I see patterns in things,
I restrict myself in lines and words and sound
like this. You see?
I can not express it, but I will try:

I restrict myself in lines and words and sound.
Something else is keeping me from saying what I want.
I can not express it. But I will try
until I can not.

Something Else is keeping me from saying what I want.
I'll out do it with restrictions of my own.
Until I can not,
I write poetry.

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